Enjoy the bright colors and tastes of Peru with these photos from Lima!
Julie Gibb and Christian Morrison travelled with Apus Peru in January this year. After their trip they wrote, “As for Lima – we loved it. We really enjoyed our culinary walking tour with Ronald. The organic market wasn’t operating the day of our tour so Ronald substituted some architectural areas in Miraflores which we really enjoyed – he was very knowledgeable about the history of these areas and architectural styles. We learned a lot about Peruvian food and Ronald was able to answer my many questions about all of the different previously unknown (to me) fruits and vegetables that we saw in the market. Tasting the foods would have added to the experience though we were trying to be careful where fresh fruits and vegetables were concerned. He was able to explain how these foods were prepared having learned how to cook these distinctive Peruvian foods and dishes. We only regret not having spent more time in Lima – there is so much to see and do – and we would have loved doing another tour with him.”
Thank you to Julie and Christian for their great photos – we have included some our Lima favorites here.